
Coolen, Marco JL and Muyzer, Gerard and Rijpstra, W Irene C and Schouten, Stefan and Volkman, John K and Damst{\'e}, Jaap S Sinninghe
Combined DNA and lipid analyses of sediments reveal changes in Holocene haptophyte and diatom populations in an Antarctic lake
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2004
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.04.014

The following sites appear in this publication:

Ace Lake (3 samples)

The following samples appear in this publication:

ID Latitude Longitude Past sea level (m) What Constraint type C14 age
390 -68.47138889 78.18777778 8.8 ± None Bulk organic sed 2 5200.0 ± 50.0
391 -68.47138889 78.18777778 8.8 ± None Bulk organic sed 1 5620.0 ± 50.0
392 -68.47138889 78.18777778 8.8 ± None Bulk organic sed 4 8830.0 ± 50.0

Questions? Contact Perry Spector