Comprehensive data dump for this sample: |
| Sample name | |
| Latitude (DD) | -62.167 |
| Longitude (DD) | -58.95 |
| Sample material | Penguine remains (bone, collagen, guano) |
| Percent marine | 100.0 |
| Date collected | None |
| Collected by | None |
| Sea level constraint | 2 |
| Sample or sill elevation (m) | 18.0 ± 0.2 |
| Adjustment height (m) | -2.0 ± 1.0 |
| Past sea level elevation (m) | 16.0 ± 1.2 |
| Sample comments | Penguin Bone |
| Carbon type | None |
| Analysis date | None |
| Chem lab | None |
| Analyst | None |
| AMS lab | None |
| AMS date | None |
| Analysis ID | HD8426-9106 |
| Percent carbon | None |
| δ13C (‰) | None |
| 14C age (yr) | 6560.0 |
| 14C age uncertainty (yr) | 55.0 |
| 14C comments | Penguin Bone |
Calibration results: |
| Calibration curve | Marine13 |
| Reservoir correction (14C yr BP) (mean and of all Antarctica calibration samples)( | 1141 ± 179 |
| Calibration software | IOSACal version 0.4.1 |
| Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr) | 6242.0 to 5417.0 cal yr BP |
| Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr) | 5986.0 to 5583.0 cal yr BP |
| Calibration plot |  |