Comprehensive data dump for this sample:
Sample name watts_Lml
Latitude (DD) -68.6
Longitude (DD) 78.22
Sample material Marine to lacustrine
Percent marine 0.0
Date collected None
Collected by None
Sea level constraint 5
Sample or sill elevation (m) 4.3 ± 0.1
Adjustment height (m) 0.0 ± 0.0
Past sea level elevation (m) 4.3 ± 0.1
Sample comments Derived marine to lacustrine transition. Dated by lacustrine sediment
Carbon type None
Analysis date None
Chem lab None
Analyst None
AMS lab None
AMS date None
Analysis ID
Percent carbon None
δ13C (‰) None
14C age (yr) 3630.0
14C age uncertainty (yr) 200.0
14C comments Derived marine to lacustrine transition. Dated by lacustrine sediment

Calibration results:
Calibration curve SHCal13
Calibration softwareIOSACal version 0.4.1
Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr)4427.0 to 3436.0 cal yr BP
3434.0 to 3400.0 cal yr BP
Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr)4154.0 to 3631.0 cal yr BP
3623.0 to 3615.0 cal yr BP
Calibration plot

Questions? Contact Perry Spector