Comprehensive data dump for this sample:
Sample name
Latitude (DD) -66.11666667
Longitude (DD) 100.95
Sample material Shells of L. elliptica in growth position.
Percent marine 100.0
Date collected None
Collected by None
Sea level constraint 2
Sample or sill elevation (m) 3.5 ± None
Adjustment height (m) 4.5 ± None
Past sea level elevation (m) 8.0 ± None
Sample comments Max beach ht 8m, sample ht 3-3.5m. Kapakon Inlet.
Carbon type None
Analysis date None
Chem lab None
Analyst None
AMS lab None
AMS date None
Analysis ID Beta-15829
Percent carbon None
δ13C (‰) None
14C age (yr) 6900.0
14C age uncertainty (yr) 120.0
14C comments

Calibration results:
Calibration curveMarine13
Reservoir correction (14C yr BP) (mean and of all Antarctica calibration samples)( ± 179
Calibration softwareIOSACal version 0.4.1
Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr)6633.0 to 5683.0 cal yr BP
Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr)6384.0 to 5921.0 cal yr BP
Calibration plot

Questions? Contact Perry Spector